The aims and objectives of the association are as under:
The aims and objectives of the association are as under:
1.1 To render loyal and efficient service to the GAIL (India) Ltd. (here in after referred to as the Company) and the Country.
1.2 To encourage and ensure the participation of its members in the activities for the all round growth and development of the company in the field of its business, technology, human resource and development etc.
1.3 To safeguard and protect the interest of all its members on the basis of rational and sound criteria of the company in accordance with Constitution of INDIA and it amendments made time to time by the parliament for the servants/employees of scheduled caste and scheduled tribes community.
1.4 To assist and guide the management for better use of fund allocated under Special Component Plan and Social Welfare Plan for the upliftment /development of the socially and economically backward populace/areas nearby various GAIL installations across the country.
1.5 To assist and guide the management for better use of fund allocated under Special Component Plan and Social Welfare Plan for the upliftment /development of the socially and economically backward populace/areas nearby various GAIL installations across the country.
1.6 To draw the attention of the Management and/or appropriate authority for the implementation of various directives or guidelines as may be issued by the Government of India, National commission for SC/ST or other agencies from time to time.
1.7 To suggest improvements in the procedures for expeditious disposal of officials as well as personal matters in line with the latest management techniques.
1.8 To secure dignity, equality and harmony with the management and to act as liaison between members and the management.
1.9 To seek cooperation and/or fraternity with similar associations in India having similar objectives.
1.10 To do all things necessary or expedient and to take any action which is incidental or conducive as to the attainment of any one or all the objectives mentioned above.
1.2 To encourage and ensure the participation of its members in the activities for the all round growth and development of the company in the field of its business, technology, human resource and development etc.
1.3 To safeguard and protect the interest of all its members on the basis of rational and sound criteria of the company in accordance with Constitution of INDIA and it amendments made time to time by the parliament for the servants/employees of scheduled caste and scheduled tribes community.
1.4 To assist and guide the management for better use of fund allocated under Special Component Plan and Social Welfare Plan for the upliftment /development of the socially and economically backward populace/areas nearby various GAIL installations across the country.
1.5 To assist and guide the management for better use of fund allocated under Special Component Plan and Social Welfare Plan for the upliftment /development of the socially and economically backward populace/areas nearby various GAIL installations across the country.
1.6 To draw the attention of the Management and/or appropriate authority for the implementation of various directives or guidelines as may be issued by the Government of India, National commission for SC/ST or other agencies from time to time.
1.7 To suggest improvements in the procedures for expeditious disposal of officials as well as personal matters in line with the latest management techniques.
1.8 To secure dignity, equality and harmony with the management and to act as liaison between members and the management.
1.9 To seek cooperation and/or fraternity with similar associations in India having similar objectives.
1.10 To do all things necessary or expedient and to take any action which is incidental or conducive as to the attainment of any one or all the objectives mentioned above.